Deep in the Heart and Science of Philanthropy
The RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service prepares the next generation of nonprofit and philanthropic leaders through graduate education and research.
Our research addresses pressing issues in philanthropy, nonprofit management, social entrepreneurship, and global civil society. We train students through our university-wide graduate program in nonprofit studies and we engage the world of practice through executive education programs tailored to the needs of seasoned professionals in the field. As you explore the RGK Center, you will see that our collective work, ranging from our graduate courses offerings to our international exchange programs to our new books and publications, is all focused on helping the nonprofit leaders of today and tomorrow make informed and innovative contributions to the public good.
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Faculty and Staff
The RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service prepares the next generation of nonprofit and philanthropic leaders through graduate education and research. Our research addresses pressing issues in philanthropy, nonprofit management, social entrepreneurship, and global civil society.
Celebrating 20 Years Deep in the Heart and Science of Philanthropy
It has been an energizing two decades of building relationships with our community and growing as a Center. As we reflect on the beginning of our Center 20 years ago, we are deeply thankful for those who made it possible, from our founding Director, Curtis W. Meadows Jr., to our Advisory Council members past and present, and to our generous funders. We celebrate you and thank you for your support.
Campus and Community Partners

McCombs Board Fellows
Part of the University of Texas McCombs School of Business, is a student-run organization that places select MBA students on local nonprofit boards as non-voting members for one year. In return for this learning opportunity, the Board Fellows each complete an in-depth project for their nonprofit.

Longhorn Impact Fellowship at McCombs (LIFT)
This program pairs student consultants (Fellows) with sustainable corporations, social enterprises, and nonprofits to solve an impact-focused problem. Projects are completed in 10-12 weeks and must be related to sustainability, corporate philanthropy, impact/ESG investing, or social and environmental innovation. Past projects created impact measurement tools for a corporate foundation, examined new markets for a social business’ entry, and examined the sustainability of funding sources. LIFT is selective and is open only to UT-Austin juniors, seniors, and graduate students.

Texas Grants Resource Center
The TGRC offers consultations and orientations for funding research, for both nonprofit organizations and individuals. Because of the availability of electronic information on state and federal grant opportunities, the TGRC emphasizes private sector funding options and information (i.e., private foundations and corporate foundations/direct giving programs). It has little on-site information about small business startups.

Center for Community Engagement
This UT Center has compiled a list of resources and volunteering opportunities for the community to use. You can find information and resources about COVID-19 assistance, donations, testing sites, and volunteering.

Global Sustainability Leadership Institute
The Global Sustainability Leadership Institute, formerly known as the Social Innovation Initiative, acts as UT Austin’s hub on campus for innovation in social and environmental impact.