RGK Center Anti-Racism Statement

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June 12, 2020

Dear RGK Center Students, Alumni, and Friends,  

We speak their names with deep sorrow - George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, Michael Ramos, and countless others – coupled with a resounding call for racial equity and social justice. Black Lives Matter and social justice advocates deserve a complete commitment from the RGK Center network to protect human life and dignity, battle inequality, dismantle systemic racism, enact meaningful policy reform, and engage in sustainable community leadership.  

The nonprofit sector is uniquely positioned in this cause. We are passionate about serving others and hopeful with the promise of change. I am proud of the tireless work of our community of nonprofit and philanthropic organizations, our students and alumni, and our UT colleagues and community leaders to advance social justice. By simultaneously holding space in the nonprofit, philanthropic, and academic arenas, the RGK Center has a moral obligation to effectively support the next generation of philanthropic and nonprofit leaders, policy makers, and change agents.  

We implore civic leaders and policymakers to actively pursue racial justice. Our communities desperately crave the reconciliation of alarming injustice and the relentless grit required for lasting change. As demonstrated by President Lyndon Baines Johnson, words must be backed by deeds. We humbly and fully commit ourselves to this critical work. 

We are each being called upon to serve those within our sphere of influence to move past the shadow cast by our history and to illuminate the generational opportunities that lie ahead.  

As with all things, this work we must do together.  

Lead with heart. 

David W. Springer

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