The RGK Center is hosting a free screening of the documentary film "UnCharitable", inspired by Dan Pallotta's provocative book and TED Talk. The film has been billed as "exposing the dark side of philanthropy and introducing a radical new way of giving." It's "an emotional call to action for charities to be freed from the traditional sackcloth-and-ashes constraints so that they may truly change the world." Check out the film's action items and discussion guide.
Bring your lunch and join us in SRH 3.122 for a screening of the film (runtime 1 hr 30 minutes). Coffee and snacks will be provided. After watching the film, with us or at home, we invite you to join us for a classroom discussion on Thursday, September 12th, led by Dr. Becky Lentz.
Please note that this event has been moved from Bass Lecture Hall to room 3.122
This screening is part of a two-part event that is designed to provide a forum for thinking about and inspiring conversation around provocative issues in the social sector. We hope to foster dialogue among individuals who are eager to engage in productive conversation and learning. These events are free and open to students, faculty/staff, and community members. For more information, email becky.lentz@austin.utexas.edu